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Home learning for summer term begins

The government has launched a new website, Oak National Academy, today to enable children who are at home to learn on-line. The academy was created in response to the coronavirus lockdown. The academy offers recorded video lessons, quizzes and worksheets.


Our teachers will use the Oak National Academy resources as our main way to provide learning at home while Fielding is closed.  Sometimes we will add extra links from BBC Bitesize and other websites to support the Oak National Academy material.


From today, for children in Year 1-6, we suggest that they complete:

  • an English lesson, every day, from Oak National Academy
  • a maths lesson, every day, from Oak National Academy
  • our own links to 'foundation' subjects , including science, art, history, geography, every week


Every family and household is different and will have their own different competing demands. The daily English and maths lessons can take place any time in the day. Other subjects can be covered at any time in the week. Parents are best placed to decide when the learning best fits in their own household.


Children of key workers and those who are vulnerable and are in school for childcare will be given the chance to complete the same learning during the day.


Children in Reception and Nursery should continue to use the links provided on Year Group Noticeboards.


Teachers will publish links to the learning on the Oak National Academy and other web-sites each week on Year Group Noticeboards.


Some of the learning will revisit topics that we have already covered in school. Some of it will be new. When schools re-open, we will find out what children know and remember. We will then adjust our teaching to fill gaps for some and stretch others based on their individual needs.

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