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Reminder - Get Ready for Outdoor Play When Wet

We have started the school year with some fantastic weather, and the children have been enjoying morning break and lunchtime play in the sun. As we move into autumn and winter it is likely that we will have more wet and unsettled weather. As far as possible we do not want this to interrupt playing outside. 


Previously there would be indoor play in any wet weather, but as publicised earlier in 2019, from this term we will remain outdoors where possible. However, during heavy rain or extreme weather children will remain indoors during play. 


There are several benefits to this change of approach


  • To maximise the use of our outdoor space
  • Following NHS guidelines by providing pupils the opportunity to engage in moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes and up to several hours every day
  • Movement breaks help to decrease stress, increases productivity, boosts brain function, and provides opportunities for children to learn social skills. It is more difficult to provide this opportunity during indoor play
  • The indoor circulation of germs and bacteria is much more harmful to children than by playing outside. 
  • Children gain the sensory experience of listening to and feeling different weather conditions.
  •  A significant number of pupils have expressed a desire to play outside during unsettled weather
  • For some pupils due to the lack of physical play opportunities, this leads to poor behaviour choices and some pupils experiencing less productive lessons after wet play.


To allow outdoor play to take place both pupils and staff are expected to have suitable warm and waterproof clothing in school at all times. Please ensure they bring suitable clothing with them to school to accommodate for the unsettled English weather.

Suitable clothing includes 

  • Waterproofs – This may be a jacket, coat or suit
  • A warm fleece, jumper or cardigan
  • Winter hat and sun hat (optional)
  • Scarves and gloves (optional)
  • Wellie boots (optional)

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