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Teaching our children to look after our world. Education for Sustainable Development now added to the curriculum

During the summer term of the last academic year we reflected on our curriculum as a school and decided to make changes to offer a broader, richer curriculum for our pupils.  One area of change is to explore how we can offer education for Sustainable Development.

What is Education for Sustainable Development?

Education for Sustainable Development is about the learning needed to maintain and improve our quality of life of generations to come.  Develop the knowledge, values and skills to participate in decisions about the way we do things individually and collectively, both locally and globally, that will improve the quality of life now without damaging the planet for the future.

Why is this important to us at Fielding?

At Fielding we believe it is important that we educate our pupils around global issues and how they can have a positive impact on the world.  Around the world hundreds of millions of people do not have enough food to eat; some women still earn less than men and have fewer rights; plant and animal species are rapidly vanishing; and the gap between rich and poor is indeed getting wider.  Currently more than 40 per cent of the global population are between the ages of 10 and 24 – the largest youth population the world has ever seen. To solve the world's problems, the next generation needs to know what those problems of the world are and how we can work together to fix them.

How will education for Sustainable Development work at Fielding?

At Fielding we intend to provide education for Sustainable Development through planning in opportunities for the pupils to explore the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  The Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030. They are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.  Studying the goals is part of a broader, international approach to learning.  Education for Sustainable Development can improve academic skills, helps learners’ mental and moral development and prepare them for their future in the world.  Pupils will have the opportunity to explore the skills across our curriculum during the next academic year.

How can I support the education of Sustainable Development at home?

If you are interested in finding out more around education for Sustainable Development or would like to talk through this with your child we have included a link below.  We will provide you with updates throughout the academic year.

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