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The curriculum at Fielding

Over the past few years there has been a greater emphasis put on the wider curriculum than ever before. Here at Fielding, we have worked hard to create a curriculum that is relevant for the children who learn it and that equips them for their future, at primary and secondary school and on into their adult lives. As part of this, we have produced a strong 'Curriculum Intent' which provides the guiding principles for decisions made about what and how children learn. This is the driving force behind our curriculum.


For children in Years 1-6, we have our ‘Curriculum Map’ which details the question that drives each challenge, links to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, key vocabulary and concepts which are weaved through children’s learning. In Key Stage One, children will undertake four humanities challenges and four arts/Design and Technology challenges. Children in Key Stage Two will have three humanities and three arts/D&T driven challenges each year. This carefully considered decision reflects the balance of knowledge and skills required to be taught at each stage. 


The primary driver for learning are the humanities, as suggested in the National Curriculum and children will have the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in humanities which can then be applied during art and D&T.


The curriculum has been structured to take into account the most up-to-date research about teaching, learning and memory. As a result, there are key themes that run though what children learn that will be referenced and noted during lesson times. This structure also allows children to remember and apply knowledge gained in previous years. 


The full Curriculum Map can be found here and it details the learning taking place. For information about the structure of challenges in each year group, click here.

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