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What happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in school?

Rates of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in Ealing continue to rise. Local schools continue to close 'bubbles' when there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in the school. The number of pupils (and staff) sent home to self-isolate depends on a risk assessment with a DfE and/or local Public Health adviser. Fielding continues to have no confirmed cases of coronavirus in staff or pupils.


With rising infection rates in Ealing, safety of pupils and staff continues to be our top priority. We keep reminding and checking that staff are working safety to protect themselves and pupils in their 'bubble'.


We all also need to be ready in the event of a confirmed case in our school. We want as few members of staff and pupils to be sent home to self-isolate as possible because learning in school is first-best for pupils. This means our protective 'bubbles' are based on classes with known seating plans within each class. Our bubbles stretch to year group size to enable full access to the curriculum and co-curriculum, for example, for phonics teaching in groups by ability, specialist clubs or wrap-around care. This means if we have a confirmed case of coronavirus infection, the number of pupils who might be sent home to self-isolate will depend on the number of 'close-contacts' identified from within and across bubbles.


Parents are encouraged to be ready for your child to self-isolate at home for 14 days at very short-notice, within the school day or overnight. In the event of a confirmed coronavirus case in school, it is likely that:

  • Nursery, whole Nursery because the younger the age, the harder it is for children to maintain social distancing;
  • Reception, at best 1 class 'bubble' but likely to be more class 'bubbles', depending on phonics groups and play time arrangements;
  • Year 1, at best 1 class 'bubble' but likely to be more class 'bubbles' including whole year group, depending on phonics groups and play time arrangements;
  • Year 2, at best 1 class 'bubble' but likely to be more class 'bubbles' including whole year group, depending on phonics groups and play time arrangements;
  • Years 3 - 6, at best less than 1 class 'bubble' and 'close-contacts' only but could be more class bubbles including whole year group, depending on lunchtime seating plans, class seating, wrap-around care, specialist clubs and EMS tutoring. The older the child, the more they are expected to maintain social distancing.

If there is a confirmed case of coronavirus infection in a pupil, we will ask parents about recent 'play-dates', car-sharing and any other mixing with other Fielding pupils outside of school. This could increase the number of pupils who are sent home to self-isolate from other classes or year group bubbles.

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