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Year 3,4,5 & 6 overnight trips

Following the announcement to re-open schools, the government is advising against all educational visits but will keep this under review (School coronavirus operational guidance, 22 February).


We have compared our plans and dates for overnight trips against the government's road map to ease national restrictions. Key dates are 17 May and 21 June. We have balanced the chance of our trips taking place, certainty for planning and preparation with optimism, hope and opportunity. This means:

  • Year 3. Overnight camp-out on the field and bush-craft activities, 10-11 June is cancelled. We are replacing this with a day camp programme on 10 June, 9am-5pm. £35 per pupil. Please hold the date and get ready to pay nearer the time.
  • Year 4. Museum of London sleep-over, 27 May is cancelled. We are replacing this with a day camp programme on 11 June, 9am-5pm. £35 per pupil. Please hold the date and get ready to pay nearer the time.
  • Year 5. Action and adventure weekend at PGL Little Canada, Isle of Wight, 14-17 May is postponed. New date is 2-5 July. Year 5 and 6 will be at the same activity centre at the same time but will have their own separate programme. Estimated cost, £265 per pupil. Please continue to set aside some money.
  • Year 6. France was cancelled in November and replaced with PGL Little Canada, Isle of Wight, 2-5 July. Our provisional booking remains unchanged. Estimated cost, £265 per pupil. Please continue to set aside some money.


Year 3 and 4 pupils will share the same long camp out day experience, provided by 'The Outdoors People', who usually organise our camp-out. There is no over-night stay. Year 4 pupils have the chance to experience part of the camp-out opportunity, cancelled from summer 2020. Year 3 follow our curriculum plan as closely as we can without the overnight stay.


We remain optimistic that the Year 5 and Year 6 trip to PGL Little Canada will take place. Year 6 pupils have the chance to experience their cancelled trip from summer 2020. Year 5 follow our curriculum plan. 

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