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Why is sleep so important?

The Power of Sleep: Supporting Your Child’s Learning and Wellbeing

Did you know that a good night’s sleep is one of the most powerful tools for your child’s success at school? Research shows that sleep plays a vital role in your child’s physical growth, emotional wellbeing, and ability to learn effectively. Here’s how:


1. Sleep Boosts Learning and Focus


  • While your child sleeps, their brain processes and stores everything they’ve learned during the day. This helps them build memory, solve problems, and stay focused in class.


  • Children who get enough sleep are more alert and better able to concentrate, giving them the tools to thrive in lessons.


2. Sleep Supports Emotional Wellbeing


  • Rested children are better at managing their emotions. Sleep helps them stay calm, cope with challenges, and develop positive social relationships.


  • Poor sleep can lead to mood swings and difficulty handling stress, which can affect both friendships and school life.


3. Sleep Powers Physical Growth


  • During deep sleep, the body releases growth hormones and strengthens the immune system. These processes are essential for healthy development and helping your child stay energised for school activities.

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