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Our 'Additionally Resourced Provision' (ARP) is for up to 27 pupils from Reception to Year 6 (aged 4 to 11 years old) who have an education, health & care plan (EHCP) with needs on the Autistic Spectrum and related speech, language and communication needs.


Pupils learn in small-size classes of up to 9 in the ARP, alongside opportunities to join classes in the main school. Our aim is for pupils to feel part of our school and to mix into the main school for part of their day. They receive extra help in class when in the main school. It is expected that they may gradually work towards being independent, spending more time in the main school. 


We are currently full with children in years Reception to year 4.  We will not be taking a new intake of children in Reception until September 2026.  If spaces become available before this time, a child will be placed in the year group with a space.  


Pupils follow an adjusted version of the main school curriculum. It may be presented in a specialised and flexible way with opportunities to go over learning.


The ARP is housed is a new, single-storey building with 3 classrooms and extra support rooms on the school site. The ARP has its own outdoor playground and sensory garden.


The ARP opened in January 2023.


How are children placed into the ARP?

Pupils who have special educational needs and attend Fielding Primary School are not guaranteed admission to the ARP and cannot simply move from our main classes into the ARP.


To be admitted to our ARP, a child must have:

  • an education, health and care plan (EHCP) and our ARP named in their individual plan;
  • identified needs on the Autistic Spectrum or related speech, language and communications needs;
  • needs that are greater than or additional to the needs that can normally be met through full time attendance at a mainstream school; and
  • meet our entry criteria.


Referrals will be sent to us by Ealing's special educational needs assessment team: SEND Assessment Team, Carmelita House, 21-22 The Mall, Ealing, London, W5 2PJ. We consider the referral paperwork, possibly visiting the child in their education setting, to decide whether we can meet the child’s needs.


If we feel we are able to meet the child’s needs, we will invite parents to meet us and look around our ARP.  This will be followed by an entry process working with parents and the SEND Assessment Team.


There maybe occasions when we cannot meet a child’s needs in our provision and the referral would be declined. 

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