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Challenge 5 - T-Shirt Shuttle

T-Shirt Shuttle

This week you need a pile of your t-shirts and something to start as a starting marker. Place your marker down and put your pile of t-shirts down a short distance away, mine were 5 big steps but you can just use whatever space you have available. Start on your starting marker and then sprint to your t-shirts and put the first one, then sprint back and touch the starting marker with your hand. Repeat for the 2nd t-shirt and then however many more you can put on before the 30 seconds is up.


Make it harder

  • Make the shuttle longer
  • Use shorts or trousers instead of t-shirts
  • Set a longer time


Make it easier

  • Make the shuttle shorter
  • Use hats instead of tshirts


If you would like to share your attempts at each challenge you can ask the grown ups in your household to film you or take a photo of you doing the challenge and then send it in to Mr Thomas at along with your score and possibly a write up about how the challenge went in your household.

T-shirt Shuttle Demo

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Mr Thomas

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One thing I need to do to improve my score is practise putting my t-shirts on! This one is addictive though and I will get that 5th t-shirt on!

Bay, Year 4

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Well done Bay for scoring 5 t-shirts in 30 seconds! Loving that cheer at the end, looks like you have been working hard to get that 5th t-shirt for a little while. I wonder if 6 t-shirts is possible?

Sav, Year 4

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Fantastic effort to get 5 t-shirts in 30 seconds there Sav. I know from your blooper reel that a lot of work went in to getting that 5th t-shirt - well done!

Henry, Year 3

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So close to that 4th T-shirt there Henry - I think with a couple more goes you can get that on! Well done.

James, Year 1

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Well done James for sharing the first 'Hat Shuttle' and then completing 5 hats in less than 30 seconds! Great effort. I wonder if you would be able to put on a 6th hat in the time if you have an extra somewhere?

James, Year 3

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Great effort with the T-shirt shuttle James. It looks like you had as much trouble putting t-shirts on as I did! Great job still managing 5 t-shirts though - just think what you could score if those t-shirts went on easier!

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