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Challenge 14 - Stars, Squats and Burpees

Stars, Squats and Burpees

This weeks challenge involves trying to keep moving for 10 whole minutes and involves 3 movements - star jumps, squat jumps and burpees. One complete round is made up of 15 star jumps, 10 squat jumps and 5 burpees and your challenge is to complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. Try to maintain a consistent pace, don't try to go too quick as you will run out of steam but don't go too slow as you won't complete as many rounds as you possibly could.


Make it harder

  • Hold a water bottle in each hand while doing the star jumps and squat jumps
  • Increase the number of star jumps, squat jumps and burpees


Make it easier

  • Do squats instead of squat jumps, take away the pressup part of the burpee.
  • Decrease the number of star jumps, squat jumps and burpees


If you would like to share your attempts at each challenge you can ask the grown ups in your household to film you or take a photo of you doing the challenge and then send it in to Mr Thomas at along with your score and possibly a write up about how the challenge went in your household.

Stars, Squats and Burpees Demo

Still image for this video

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