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Fielding's Always Active

What is it?

Staying active is important for our physical health but also hugely beneficial for our mental health too. The 'Fielding's Always Active' Challenge has started in order to try to help us stay physically active while we are at home. 


Fielding's Always Active is a series of fitness or skills based challenges and games uploaded to the website for you to try at home. You can attempt each challenge or game as many times as you like. Each challenge will include a demonstration video, a description of the challenge and some ideas of how you could make the challenge easier or harder. The games will also have a video or picture alongside a description or a set of rules explaining how to play.


Using FAA during Lockdown/Isolation.

Your PE lesson while you are at home isolating requires you to choose 1 Challenge and 1 Game which you can then complete during your PE slot and at any other free point in your timetable.

The Challenges should be completed individually and require you to compete against yourself to attempt to score as high as you possibly can. You can record your scores and then try to beat them or you can compete against other members of your household.

Some of the Games can be played with other members of your household and some can be played individually so you should choose one which is appropriate to your household. If you want to adapt any of the games by changing any of the rules that is fine.


If you would like to share your attempts at each challenge you can ask the grown ups in your household to film you or take a photo of you doing the challenge and then send it in to Mr Thomas at along with your score and possibly a write up about how the challenge went in your household.


Good luck and let us know how you are getting on!

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