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Primary School and Nursery

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Year 1

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Year 1 dates for your diary:

(please check main school calendar for whole school events)

Cooking and Gardening20th May 21st May23rd May24th May


London Transport Museum Trip

Tuesday 23rd AprilMonday 15th AprilMonday 15th AprilTuesday 7th May




We kindly request your assistance by bringing any spare empty egg cartons to class during the week of April 22nd May. These will be utilized for our lessons on arrays.

Your child is invited to bring a small box (such as a perfume box, toothpaste box, or any box of similar size) for an upcoming Design and Technology (DT) lesson. The box will be utilized in a class activity where where children will work in pairs to create a car. 

Personal Property

If children are attaching key chains on bags please be aware that teachers are not responsible for the loss of them. Teachers will be talking to the children about respecting other people's property.


Artists and designers needed

We will be studying expressionism and modernism in Year 1. Are you a painter, curator or artist and want to come in to talk about and show some of your art pieces? Please let your class teachers know.


Weekly homework checklist:

  1. Spellings - see below for new spellings each week.
  2. Numbots - Can you reach your 10 minute weekly goal? 
  3. Learn your number bonds target number.

        Your sheet will tell you what level you are on.

   4. Read at least 5 times per week.



We would like to request that passwords for Purple Mash and Numbots are not changed at home. Teachers have a copy of all pupil log ins and passwords for use during lessons. 


It would be great if children can practice their computer keyboard and mouse skills at home: finding the letters of the alphabet, making a capital letter, # and @ symbols. 




Reading and/or talking about their reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes, 5 times a week. Complete your child’s reading record each time they read. Remember it doesn’t always have to be their school book. Reading records and reading books should be sent into school daily.


Numbots for Mathematics

Why do we use Numbots? Please read here to find out more about Numbots.  The programme helps children develop a secure understanding of numbers bonds using multiple representations. This consolidates learning completed in school. Children should aim to do Numbots every week for at least 10 minutes. We would like to thank you for all the support at home.

Number Bond Challenge

Every Thursday children will be given  a Number Bond Challenge to complete within two minutes. They will begin with Number Bonds to 5. If children complete the challenge successfully, they will move to the next challenge the following week.

Spelling patterns

WB 22.04.24

Common exception words:

the, a , to, do, today, of


WB 29.04.24

Common exception words:

says, said, are, were, was, is

Click on the LINK, if you would like to see what cursive handwriting looks like in Y1. You can also download worksheets for extra practice at home.

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