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Brand new Values Baccalaureate

We have some very exciting Values news to share! Not only do we have a new set of 22 Values to focus on for the next 2 years but we also have a brand new 3 tiered Values Baccalaureate.

The original Value Baccalaureate was bought in 4 years ago to give children the opportunity to demonstrate and use our Values in the both the wider school and local communities. This has proven very successful with many children earning their Baccalaureate patches. However, some children have been disappointed that this only existed in Year 4 and that there seemed to be nowhere to go with this once completed.

So after working last year, with our very engaged and passionate Values action group made up of members form Years 4,5 and 6, we are excited to now announce there are three levels to our Values Baccalaureate. Year 4 children will start by completing Bronze level (similar to the original set of tasks). Once Bronze level has been completed, they will be rewarded with a Bronze patch and will then be able to focus on achieving Siler level and then Gold. The tasks has been designed and adapted so they build in size and difficulty. The intended idea is that children can complete these over Years 4, 5 and 6 but the children are free to work at their own pace. These new levels and tasks have been introduced to children in a special assembly this week. One of the most exciting things is that if they previously did not manage to complete their Values baccalaureate they can now have another attempt by starting on the Bronze level tasks. However, if they already achieved their Values Baccalaureate in Year 4 they can now go straight onto on their Silver award.

This is a very exciting project for us as our Values-based Education and ethos is at the very core of what we do at Fielding so we are giving the children the opportunity to build on their knowledge and passion for Values and demonstrate them more widely.

The new Baccalaureate task cards will be given to children but copies will also soon be available on the Values area of our school website so these can be accessed if needed.

Please see photos below to see lists of new values, what the task booklets look like and what our fantastic new Bronze, Silver and Gold patches look like.

Looking forward to sharing successes to do with Bronze, Silver and possibly Gold very soon!!


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