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Celebrating sport at Fielding

This year at Fielding we want to ensure that all of our children's sporting achievements are properly recognised and celebrated. So new for 2016-17 is the awarding of sports patches at our termly Sporting Celebration assemblies. Every time your child represents Fielding in a new sport, they will be awarded a sports patch which is to be ironed on to the top of the RIGHT arm of your child's fleece, jumper or cardigan. Today some children will come home with sports patches so please iron your child's patch on to their uniform ready to show it off in the new term after Christmas.


We have had a fantastic Autumn term of sports with so many great achievements and are now starting to look forward to even more in the Spring term. So from the PE team -  Merry Christmas, enjoy the mince pies and the mulled wine and we will see you all in January!

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