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Data privacy law is changing

One of the biggest changes to UK data privacy law comes into effect on 25th May.  The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is European wide legislation designed to give individuals more control over how your own data is used.  Schools must comply with the new rules.

We have updated our Privacy Notice to reflect the changes, based on a model document given to schools by the Department for Education.

As part of these broader changes, you may soon find that a wide range of different organisations will contact you to explain how and why they process your information or ask you how you would like them to use information about you.  

We must either have a legal basis for holding information or seek your agreement to hold and process the information.  We have a legal basis to hold most of the information about you, your child and our staff because the government and UK law requires us to do so. 

We currently also hold a digital image of your child on our systems.  The photograph is taken and matches the photo that you are offered to buy each year.  We use this photo to help adults identify and know each child.

At the next parent consultation meeting, we will show you a copy of the information that we hold about you and your child.  You will be asked to check that it is accurate.  We will also seek your agreement to hold a digital image of your child.

As we move closer to 25th May, more details about the impact of GDPR on schools is emerging.  Our work in this area is likely to be on-going.  If parents have any advice, comments or questions (particularly based on any experience of GDPR through work in your own sectors) then please contact me.

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