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How will money raised by the PTFA help our children?

The PTFA has been working hard to raise additional funds for all of our children and the school. Thank you very much for supporting the fundraising activity by either volunteering to support an event or by attending an event. All support plays a valuable role and is greatly appreciated. So far, we have already raised over £25,000 this academic year - our target is £45,000.

So, where will the money go?

Every year we ask teachers to bid for some of the funds. This year the following bids have been put forward:

  • Curriculum boxes. Resources including books, costumes and other resources to support children's learning on various topics. These boxes will be rented by the school meaning children get fresh resources and it avoids the need for additional storage. Each teacher has six boxes per year.
  • Extension of kitchen garden with a raised pond area. Following the success of the Kitchen Garden, there is pupil demand to extend the garden to include a fenced off raised pond area to accommodate pond-life as part of the ecosystem.
  • Reading pods and shaded areas in the playing field. With the application of the multi-sport pitch, shaded areas can be added as part of this development and PTFA money can help to add to this project. Mr Webb's pupil group also request 'Reading Pods' as part of the development. 
  • Books for school. The suggested reading lists are being overhauled to make the list more appealing and relevant. It would be lovely to have new books available to children in class provided by the PTFA.

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