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Maths Update –New Maths at home guidance and Year 4 Multiplication Tables Assessments

Dear Parents,

Year 4 will be taking their Multiplication Tables Assessments on the 25th  of June, 2019.

The test consists of 25 questions with 6 seconds given to answer each question.  This test will be comprised of multiplication facts up to 12X12 which is why we have invested in the Times Table Rock Stars school membership as the ‘Sound Check’ function mimics the exact format these SAT tests will take. 

Please continue to encourage your child to practice daily and/or as often as they would like.

There is more information provided on the Department for Education website on this link:


Also, there is new guidance for parents for ways to help at home if your child is struggling to grasp a mathematical skill, strategy or concept, which is now posted and available on the Maths curriculum page on the school website.

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