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PTFA: A £15,000 thank you

It's the end of term and we're all ready for a much needed break. But before we all disappear, we want to say a huge 'thank you' to all the parents, carers and teachers who helped support our Christmas market and online activities this year. So far, it looks like we raised an incredible £15,000!


This is an amazing result and we're on track for our £35,000 target this year. Our big winners were Christmas Raffle, Silent Auction, Bottle Tombola, Grotto and Reindeer Poop Bingo. But whether you've donated money or goods, won an auction, bought tickets for Santa's grotto or knocked down that pesky elf, every little bit has helped, immensely. And all of this at a time when many of us have been battling illness and caring for others too, so thank you.

We'd also like to say a massive thank you to the PTFA reps team and to all the parents who helped run our Christmas events this year. Without your support, none of this would have been possible and it's so amazing to see what we've achieved together. We feel humbled to be part of this community.  We're always looking for more volunteers, even if you can only do a little here and there. To get involved and find out more about what activities we're planning for spring and summer 2022, please mark your calendars to attend our first PTFA meeting of the year on 10 Jan at either 10am or 8.30pm. We'll share more details on how to join in the new year.

For now, have a wonderful and relaxing break and we look forward to working together with you again on our 2022 events!

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