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Teachers write to pupils at home

Every pupil will receive an email message from their class teacher today and then once a week while the school remains closed. The email will be addressed to children and sent to a parents' email address.


Teachers are keen to keep in touch with their classes. Their message will include links to learning on-line, helping parents set expectations and improve motivation while pupils are learning at home.


Nationally, research shows that around 1 in 5 pupils are accessing learning at home. Exit links from our website news articles and uptake on some of our learning platforms, suggests that less than 1 in 5 of our own pupils might be learning at home.  We are keen to find out more about learning at home. We will do this at the end of next week.


We continue to use the Oak National Academy resources because their video lessons, quizzes and worksheets are better than we can produce while we are closed. Sometimes we will add extra links from BBC Bitesize and other websites to support the Oak National Academy material.


For children in Year 1-6, we suggest that they complete:

  • an English lesson, every day, from Oak National Academy
  • a maths lesson, every day, from Oak National Academy
  • our own links to 'foundation' subjects , including science, art, history, geography, every week


Children of key workers and those who are vulnerable and are in school for childcare will be given the chance to complete the same learning during the day.


Children in Reception and Nursery should continue to use the links provided on Year Group Noticeboards.

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