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What makes a good learner at Fielding Primary School?

Visible Learning project continues

Last year as part of our Visible learning project, we spent a lot of time discussing with children, staff and parents the qualities that make a good learner. After making children aware of their learning process and planning dedicated lessons on being a good learner, we asked children in our parliament assemblies to define the key elements of what makes a good learner at our school. The views of the children across the school were compiled and we created a shared vocabulary of twelve features (shown below). These consist of things we use in lessons such as success criteria and the Rubrics grid which explain what needs to be included in a successful piece of work. This language has been shared with all children and used daily to ensure children are thinking about how they are approaching their work and how they could be better learners.

This will be discussed further, alongside some of our other exciting teaching and learning approaches in our parent workshop: Accelerating your child’s progress through Visible learning. This will be on November 23rd at 9.00 am and 6.30 pm.

Looking forward to seeing you there and to share more of what we do

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