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Your views needed: Fielding Kitchen Garden. Gardening & cooking lessons

As we get closer to our allotment project, 'Fielding Kitchen Garden', being finished we are looking forward to the exciting new curriculum opportunities this will bring for pupils in years 1 to 6.

We are taking this opportunity to share our initial thoughts with you. We welcome your feedback on the following:

Gardening and cooking lessons, who will have them and how often?

Pupils in years 1 - 6 will have 5* or 6 sessions of gardening & cooking per year. This is roughly equivalent to one per half term. 

Each session will consist of at least 1.5 hours gardening and 1.5 hours cooking. Classes will be split into two groups of 15 children for these sessions. 

*Children in Years 1, 2 & 6 will not have sessions in the first half of the summer term due to statutory assessments.

Who will teach these sessions?

We will employ a teaching assistant gardener to teach the gardening element and the class teacher will teach the cooking element.

What will the children cook? Who will supply the ingredients?

The children will make/cook a range of simple dishes where possible using some of the ingredients from the Fielding Kitchen Garden, most ingredients will be purchased through school. Parents will be asked to make a small contribution via Laser each term to cover the cost of these ingredients as per our Charging & Remissions Policy. The children will take home what they cook.

What elements of the National Curriculum will be taught through these sessions?

  • Design & Technology: Cooking and nutrition;
  • Science: Seasonal changes, living things and their habitats, plants;
  • PSHE: Keeping healthy.

Find out more here:

What will children wear?

On their gardening and cooking day children will be asked to wear non-school uniform clothes appropriate for gardening with wellington boots. For cooking sessions we are thinking about asking parents to purchase a Fielding apron.

When will these sessions start?

We are hoping to employ our teaching assistant gardener during this half-term ready for sessions to start after the half-term break.


Please email any comments, suggestions or feedback to with the header 'Gardening and Cooking lessons'.

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