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Staying open to end of term

National restrictions end next week. London moves to new Tier 2 rules. There are no changes to the way school runs. The government is also very clear that it expects all schools to stay open until the end of term, Friday 18 December. This week:

  • a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) resulted in all of the Class 5H 'bubble' and teacher, Mr McConnachie, self-isolating at home until the end of Friday 4 December (returning to school on Monday 7 December). Learning has continued at home using Microsoft Teams. Pupils say that daily, small group, video conference calls with Mr McConnachie have helped them most and let them keep in touch with their classmates.
  • targeted catch-up learning for some pupils, paid for using our (small) share of the government's catch-up funding continues. In maths, those pupils most in need benefit from their own tutor from Third Space. They work on-line, sharing a screen, focusing on the things they need most. Other catch-up programmes include Bedrock vocabulary, NCETM maths videos and focused individual and small group phonics teaching.  12 of the 34 pupils in Year 1 who needed to catch-up in phonics are now at the expected standard.
  • behaviour and attitudes in class are now better than pre-COVID times. Teachers' expectations are higher. A sharp focus on posture has resulted in pupils sitting better at their desks, marking the difference between being at home and at school. Our pupils are a credit to themselves and their families. It is delightful walking through the school every day.
  • teachers continue to focus on maths, reading and writing as a priority. Pupils all benefit from French, PE and music with our specialist teachers. Teachers are also managing to squeeze in other curriculum subjects. This week art in Year 1 and Year 3 has been especially strong.
  • More after-school clubs open in the Spring Term because we are confident that we can run them safely. Booking on MCAS launches soon. Find out more.

Help us to stay open for as long as possible to as many pupils as we can. Please check and follow our expectations to reduce risk of spreading the virus as we approach the end of term:

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