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Year 6 review and looking forward

Human body to Vikings

The beginning of the year has been as busy and jam-packed as always, but exciting none the less! The pupils have already made steady progress across all areas. Self-reflection in English and Maths being a highlight: the pupils are building on their ability to recognise where they are in their learning and what is the next step. This is fantastic news for all!


Our Learning Challenge driver: ‘What would a journey through the body look like?’ has been a great success. We will be building on all we have learnt this term, our trip to the Natural History Museum and continue to develop our skills for how to become a scientist.


The creative home learning showcase was a brilliant event - thank you to all who attended and contributed your amazing home learning pieces! Adults were invited into the classrooms to witness the creative home learning made by Year 6 pupils, which came in an array of sizes, shapes and types including some very humorous entries – ‘Home exercise routine’ which outlined weight lifting with cat food and sofa lifting and a knitted Frankenstein monster with socks!


But gigantic, enormous and mammoth news is coming to Year 6… The Vikings will be taking over.


We will be beginning our History topic for Autumn Term 2. ‘

.'Were the Vikings always vicious and victorious?’ is our focus and we will be exploring this fascinating Historic period with Viking day to experience a day in the life of a Viking. All information regarding Viking day will be revealed in due course. Get your helmets and tunics at the ready!


A great way to begin the last year of primary school. 

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