Contact Details
- 020 8567 9524
Wyndham Road, Ealing, London, W13 9TE
Primary School and Nursery
Welcome to the ARP. You will find important information specific to the ARP here, anything linked to your child's year group will be on those pages.
We are excited about welcoming the children back and starting our learning together.
A reminder to Parents and Carers to check MCAS for any behaviour incidents every day. You will receive a phone call from your child's teacher if a serious incident occurs, for all other incidents, where a sanction is applied a report will be added to MCAS. As per the Home School Agreement it is important you check this daily as you will be able to see whether your child has struggled at any point during the day. Thank you for your support.
We have Illian Mosa our Speech and Language Therapist twice a week (Mondays and Tuesdays) working with children in small groups and for 1:1 sessions with children.
Nichola Quarmby is our OT and she is in every Wednesday delivering 1:1 sessions and supporting in class.
Fresh fruit or vegetable snack, water, packed lunch
As a healthy school we would like to remind parents that children should only be bringing in a fresh piece of fruit or vegetable for their snack each day. Please no chocolate, sweets or nut products.
Children should bring in a bottle of water.
Children are welcome to bring in a packed lunch and this will be saved until they are in the lunch hall and replaces the school lunch option.
Important events
For whole year events, such as Sports Day, assemblies and trips, please refer to the year group page your child is in.
We value contributions from parents/carers of moments of achievement that have happened outside of school. If you observe your child achieving something new or wonderful then let one of the ARP team know by sending in a photo with a note or just singing their praises. The wow moments are stuck in your child’s learning journey and support assessments throughout the year. Feel free to send in as many as you would like, parents/carers usually complete a page of wow moments each half term.
Reading Books, Key Words, Home Learning and Book Bags
At Fielding we follow the Read Write Inc programme.
The type of ‘book’ your child receives will depend on their phonic knowledge.
In addition to this, your child will choose their own picture book.
Your child is not expected to read this book, this book is to be shared with an adult for enjoyment and to help develop a child's comprehension skills.
All books will be changed once a week.
Please make sure your child brings their book bag to school every day.
Help your child to get into this routine.
Inside their book bag please make sure that you always have:
Please look through the reading record, there is lots of useful information inside.
Please sign the reading record every week and write a comment about how your child is progressing with their reading.
Wyndham Road, Ealing, London, W13 9TE