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EMS - Ensembles

EMS (Ealing Music Service) Ensembles

What, where and when?

Opportunities to make music with others is a highly rewarding experience which is a lot of fun! Being part of an Ensemble is also an excellent way to improve musical skills. Part of being a good musician is fitting in with other players, listening to them and understanding how the music you are playing fits in with theirs. Players who are part of an Ensemble tend to make faster progress than if they were playing alone.

Fielding is proud to work in partnership with Ealing Music Service to run the following instrumental Ensembles:

  • Guitar Ensemble which rehearses on Mondays from 7:45-8:45 in the Music room and is run by the Guitar teacher Miss Lopez.
  • Wind Ensemble (Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Brass, Percussion) which rehearses on Thursdays 7:45-8:45 in the Music room and is run by the flute teacher Ms Marine.
  • String Ensemble (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass) which rehearses on Fridays from 3:30-4:30 in the Music room and is run by the Violin Teacher Ms Antonia.
  • African Drumming Ensemble (open to Yr5 & 6 pupils who play drumkit) which rehearses on Friday mornings 7:45-8:45 IN 1P classroom with Mr Schlesinger.


The Ensembles are currently free to pupils at Fielding as many children have lessons from Ealing Music Service. Ensemble rehearsal dates match the tutors teaching weeks and rehearsal schedule will be emailed to members at the start of each new term. 

How to sign up for an ensemble

Membership to these ensembles is by invitation. The EMS tutors who provide instrumental tuition at Fielding will invite pupils to attend an Ensemble when they feel they have reached the stage where they would benefit from the experience of performing with other students. Members of String and Wind Ensembles automatically have a place in Orchestra if they wish. Being a member of an ensemble requires commitment to rehearsals and performances as well as a conscientious attitude towards practising the music between rehearsals.


If your child does not have instrumental lessons in school but they learn an instrument outside of school they can still join one of our ensembles. If you are interested in joining one of our ensembles please email with your child’s full name, current class and the instrument they play. The Specialist Music teacher will then get back to you as to whether any of our ensembles would be suitable.

Please note these ensembles are not booked through MCAS.

Additional ensemble opportunities

As well as instrumental ensembles run by EMS, Fielding also has its own orchestra which meets every Wednesday morning 7:45-8:45am in the Sports Hall run by the Specialist Music teacher, Miss Neil-Smith The Orchestra is free to attend though an informal audition is required. For more information on how to get involved in this please see the Orchestra page.

There are also further ensemble opportunities that your child can participate in to enhance what they already do at school through Ealing Music Service. Please see their website for more information.

Contact Details and Useful Links
