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Year 3

Hello current 2023-24 cohort.


Please bring a carrier bag on Wednesday and Thursday to take some text books and the contents of lockers and trays home. 


Welcome Year 3 2024-25 cohort. Please see the Whole Class Reading Books below with links. 


The Year 3 team. 



Quick links:


Year 3 dates for your diary:

(please check main school calendar for whole school events)


Bring back all Recommended Reading Books and library books into school. by 17th Julyby 17th Julyby 17th Julyby 17th July
Sports Assemblies in school time15th July15th July15th July15th July
Visit the Year 6 Art Gallery in school time17th July 17th July17th July17th July
School finishes 2:30pm 19th July19th July19th July19th July
New Whole Class Reading Books for 2024-25 are listed below. You need them for:12th September 202412th September 202412th September 202412th September 2024
Parent consultations. NFER tests will be sent home and some text books. Please bring a bag for them. 11th and 15th July11th and 15th July11th and 15th July11th and 15th July




Please ensure that your child has a healthy snack for morning breaktimes. No biscuits/cake bars, crisps, or pastries.


Each child has been assigned a locker in which to keep their belongings. Children are expected to bring in their Reading Records and reading books every day. Bags must be able to contain these and these must fit inside their lockers. Some children's bags are too big, please consider what they are bringing. 


Any changes of clothes for after school clubs must also be stored in lockers.  Children will also need to store coats in their lockers. 


Whole class reading texts

TermBook and Author
Autumn 1Flora and Ulysses, The Illuminated Adventures Click here 
Autumn 2Flora and Ulysses, The Illuminated Adventures 
Spring 1DK Find Out Ancient Egypt Click here
Spring 2DK Find Out Ancient Egypt 
Summer 1A Poem For Every Summer Click here
Summer 2A Poem For Every Summer 



Reading and/or talking about their reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes, 5 times a week. Complete your child’s reading record each time they read. Remember it doesn’t always have to be their school book. Reading records and reading books should be sent into school daily.


Times Tables Rockstars = 4 times per week Click here

Each child has access to Times Table Rockstars. It is the same login as Numbots. By the end of Year 3, children need to know their: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 times tables off by heart. 


At present children should have learnt their 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables in school. This is a great video  to help learn the 3's and a good channel for the other times tables: click here.


There will be weekly tournaments running from Wednesday to Wednesday. We have set 3 and 4 times table this week. 

  • Children can view the leaderboard 
  • Children cannot view the results of other children 
  • Highest scoring class gets a certificate 
  • Highest scoring student from each class gets a mention
  • Highest scorer across the year group gets a certificate 
  • There are also lots of ideas here to help learn their times table - including Year 4 style assessment practice: Click here
Spelling patterns

Please practice the spellings from the book. 




Science We are learning about light, dark and shadows. 

Learning at home

At Fielding, children are expected to learn at home. This helps them to develop skills in key educational areas. Whilst we understand lives are busy, these need to be prioritised. 


Teachers have noticed some children are not regularly doing some or all of these. This also means that some children are not reaching their full potential. 

Please see your class teacher if you would like to discuss further.  

  • Read daily (children sign daily and parents sign once a week).
  • Play Times Tables Rockstars 4 times a week (see the parent guide at the foot of this page).
  • Practise spellings daily (see question prompts at the foot of this page).


Year 3 Times Tables Rockstars tournament results! CONGRATULATIONS 3H.

Reading journals must come into school daily and be signed by an adult weekly.

Resources for parents

Contact Details and Useful Links
