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Primary School and Nursery

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Pride in our school community 

At Fielding Primary School and Nursery our children are proud to be members of our school community and wear our uniform. The uniform has been designed to be practical for our Nursery children while reflecting the high standards expected at school


Nursery Uniform 

  • royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with Fielding logo
  • royal blue T-shirt with white Fielding logo
  • plain grey or black jogging bottoms (can be purchased from alternative retailers) 
  • plain grey or black leggings (can be purchased from alternative retailers) 
  • plain grey or black shorts (can be purchased from alternative retailers) 
  • comfortable shoes. For safety, no open-toe shoes/sandals, high-heels, platforms, roller shoes or crocs may be worn.

Optional items:

  • plain black or grey school style skirt - may be worn all year round;
  • blue & white gingham style dress for girls may be worn from the start of the Summer term until Autumn half-term
  • Wellington boots - may be worn to school during snow or very wet weather.


Buying Uniform 

Use our on-line supplier Stitch Design to order items direct:

  1. Register here, to receive a username and password.
  2. Sign in here, using the parent tab to place your order.


Pre-Loved Uniform

The Fielding Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) have a stock of pre-loved uniform for sale, E: for more details. If you would like more information about the PTFA and how they support Fielding, please visit 

the PTFA page here


Named items

All items of clothing and footwear must be named and children should be encouraged to take care of their own property at home and school


Make-up & Jewellery

No make-up or nail polish is allowed.

Watches, small stud earrings or religious items required by the child’s faith may be worn. No other items of jewellery are allowed.


Loss or damage

We do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to an individual’s personal property, including comforters brought into Nursery.

Contact Details and Useful Links
