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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

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Year 5 dates for your diary:

(please check main school calendar for whole school events)


Gardening and Cooking`8.11.24
Science Trip22.10.2422.10.2424.10.2424.10.24




IOW residential trip.

Please check your inbox for an email from Mrs Haines regarding the Year 5 trip to the Isle of Wight which will take place 16th May to 19th May 2025,


Children will have the opportunity to take part in a range of exciting adventurous activities. Further information can be found at the Centre’s website, We will be travelling by coach and ferry. The cost of the residential is £294.00 per child.


To get an idea about what the children will be doing and how the trip is planned, have a look at our Isle of Wight page on our website within Overnight & Residential Trips section to see what the children did during our 2024 visit.


Booking will open on Tuesday 10th September at 9am on MCAS, there are enough spaces for all children to attend.

Payment schedule:

  • Deposit due by 27.09.24: £30.00
  • 2nd payment due by 25.10.24: £85.00
  • 3rd payment due by 29.11.24: £85.00
  • Final payment due by 31.01.25: £94.00

Science Trip 

As part of our science challenge question this term, year 5 will be visiting the Science Museum. Classes H and F will be attending on the 22nd October and classes P and S will be attending on the 24th October. Please see the letter above for key details. 

Cooking and Gardening

We are very proud to continue to provide a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to attend cooking sessions. These sessions take place with their class teacher, within the School House kitchen, during the school day.

An annual voluntary contribution of £13.00 has been added to MCAS to cover the cost of ingredients, required to supplement the fresh ingredients provided from the school garden. This fee covers sessions for the whole school year, from September 2024 until July 2025.

This fee is voluntary, however, without the support of our parents, we will be unable to provide an opportunity such as this for our pupils.

To make payment, please log into your MCAS account. The fee, located within the Clubs section, is now available to be added to your basket.

Walking Home

It is for individual families to decide if and when they like their child to walk to/from school alone. If you would like your child to walk home alone after school, please let the office or their class teacher know so this can be added to BROMCOM. We will be unable to allow this until this permission is received. Please find a link to NSPCC guidance on children walking home alone from school below. 

Parent Consultations



Whole class reading texts




Reading and/or talking about their reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes, 5 times a week. Complete your child’s reading record each time they read. Remember it doesn’t always have to be their school book. Reading records and reading books should be sent into school daily.


TT Rock Stars 4 times per week

CGP Homework books to complete for Wednesday 23rd :

Pages 2,3,4 and 5


CGP Homework books to complete for Wednesday 23rd:

Pages 16, 17, 18 and 19

Spelling patterns focus 'Silent B'

Over the next two following weeks, we will be focusing on words ending in 'able'.  Dictation will be on Friday 25th October.

adaptable /changeable /noticeable /miserable /reasonable /believable


Additional Curriculum and DFE Year 5/6 100 words include:

invasion  /  Scandinavia   / Christianity

ancient / apparent  / appreciate


Whole Class Reading:

The text children in Year 5 will read during Whole Class Reading during the Autumn Term is: 

  •        1000 Year Old Boy by Ross Welford

Please purchase a copy for your child in preparation for September 2024.

Click here for more details of our Whole Class Reading texts

Contact Details and Useful Links
