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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

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Year 6 dates for your diary:

(please check main school calendar for whole school events)

Gardening and Cooking10.02.2412.02.2413.02.2414.02.24


Link to Sports Day information published on Latest News



New Writing Scheme of Learning

As we transition to a new approach to teaching writing, called I am a Clever Writer (IAACW), you may notice that your child's writing outcomes appear lower than expected when they are published. This is due to the adjustments we are making to align with this new method. You can find out more in our news article here. These are the key indicators for children to be working at age-related expectations at this point in the school year. We have redesigned our curriculum to fit with the new approach. This also includes Y1-4 writing skills.


Key indicators include:

  • Insert whole sentences to describe setting and characters. 

  • Understand the importance of cohesion in my writing in fiction writing.
  • Use place, time or manner adverbials to ensure cohesion in and across paragraphs.
  • Include direct speech in my stories but changing where the reporting clause is in the sentence (beginning, middle, end). 
  • Use speech within a piece of writing to move the story on. 
  • Use relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or with an implied (i.e. omitted) relative pronoun. 
  • Include complex sentences, which start with a subordinating conjunction followed by a comma.
  • Link sentences and paragraphs using coordinating and subordinating conjunction. 
  • In narratives describing settings, characters and atmosphere and integrating dialogue to advance the action. 
  • Confidently use the correct tense throughout a piece of writing (even if it means a change of tense). 
  • Use modal verbs and adverbs to show the possibility of something happening. 
  • Use an embedded relative clause, marked with commas for parenthesis. 
  • Use brackets to add parenthesis. 
  • Use dashes to add parenthesis.


Thank you for your understanding and support as we implement this new approach to enhance your child's writing skills.

Times Table Rock Stars

Our expectation is that pupils are logging onto Times Table Rock Stars at least four times a week for a minimum of ten minutes. This helps to support their knowledge of times tables, which underpins much of the work during the Year 6 maths curriculum. We will be running weekly competitions and prizes to encourage the children and appreciate your support in making sure the children are taking part in this homework activity. Those who do not manage to complete this can attend TTRS sessions at lunch in the week.

New History Unit

This term we will begin a new History unit on World War 2. The content will be appropriately pitched towards Year 6 pupils. Please visit our FLCC curriculum page under the learning tab for further information through our knowledge organiser.

Walking Home

It is for individual families to decide if and when they like their child to walk to/from school alone. If you would like your child to walk home alone after school, please let the office or their class teacher know so this can be added to BROMCOM. We will be unable to allow this until this permission is received. Please find a link to NSPCC guidance on children walking home alone from school below.

Gardening and Cooking

We are very proud to continue to provide a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to attend cooking sessions. These sessions take place with their class teacher, within the School House kitchen, during the school day.


An annual voluntary contribution of £13.00 has been added to MCAS to cover the cost of ingredients, required to supplement the fresh ingredients provided from the school garden. This fee covers sessions for the whole school year, from September 2024 until July 2025.


This fee is voluntary, however, without the support of our parents, we will be unable to provide an opportunity such as this for our pupils.

To make payment, please log into your MCAS account. The fee, located within the Clubs section, is now available to be added to your basket.

Year 6 Residential trip to France. 

Please check your inbox for an email from Mrs Haines regarding the Year 6 residential trip which will take place from the 7th - 12th July 2025.


Click here to  find out more about the trip and how it works. The information on our website is based on this year’s trip – it will look very similar for your child when they attend. 

Trip Details: 

  • Dates: 7th-12th July 2025 

  • Cost: £550 per pupil 

Payment Schedule: To secure your child’s spot on this incredible journey, we kindly request that you follow the payment schedule outlined below: 

  • Deposit: £100.00 (due by 27th September 2024) 

  • Second Payment: £110.00 (due by 25th October 2024) 

  • Third Payment: £110.00 (due by 29th November 2024) 

  • Fourth Payment: £110.00 (due by 31st January 2025) 

  • Final Payment: £120.00 (due by 28th February 2025) 

How to Sign Up: Please sign-up on MCAS from the 10th September to secure a  place with a deposit by the due date above.

Full details are the email sent on 5th September. 

School Uniform

All children are expected to wear the correct uniform to school and change into their uniform if they have a sports club in the mornings. Please can you ensure that have the appropriate wear for school.

All children are expected to wear uniform:

  • the Fielding blue sweatshirt or cardigan;
  • a Fielding blue or white Polo shirt; or plain white Polo shirt;
  • plain grey or black school style trousers, skirt or pinafore;
  • black or white socks / tights;
  • plain black shoes. For safety, no boots, open-toe, platforms or roller shoes.


Whole class reading texts


TermBook and Author
Autumn 1

The Hobbit - J. R. Tolkien

The Hobbit (Harper Collins) Books

Autumn 2

Eyewitness Victorians - DK 

Victorians (DK Eyewitness) : DK: Books 

Spring 1

Eyewitness Victorians - DK 

Victorians (DK Eyewitness) : DK: Books 

Spring 2


Summer 1 
Summer 2 



Reading and/or talking about their reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes, 5 times a week. Complete your child’s reading record each time they read. Remember it doesn’t always have to be their school book. Reading records and reading books should be sent into school daily.


TT Rock Stars 4 times per week

CGP Maths H/W: 40, 41 (Sequences)


Next topic: Ratio (Spring 1)

  • Ratio and fractions
  • Scale factors
  • Changing shapes
  • Proportion
  • Problem solving



CGP English H/W: 38, 39 (Sentence practice)


Current topic: Non-negotiable writing skills (Spring 1)




Unit 9: ei and ie - w/b 27.01.25 


Spelling words made of spelling rule applicable vocabulary:

  • achievement
  • ceiling
  • deceive
  • conceive
  • mischievous
  • perceive


Spelling list made of red words and FLCC vocabulary:

  • develop
  • dictionary
  • disastrous
  • prestigious
  • matriarch
  • patriarch

Contact Details and Useful Links
