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Primary School and Nursery

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Relationships, Sex and health education (RSHE) is made up of three areas of learning.

  • Relationships and health education - In a primary school these are compulsory.
  • Sex education - this is not compulsory in a primary school. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from some of these lessons (the ones that are not part of the science curriculum) but we would ask that if you are considering this, that you have a conversation with us first.


Our lessons are based on the Ealing RSHE framework. In lessons pupils learn about 

  • health and wellbeing;
  • living in the wider world;
  • healthy and unhealthy relationships (including bullying and harassment) 
  • migration;
  • charity;
  • mental health and resilience;
  • homelessness;
  • drugs and alcohol education;
  • online safety and risk of harm;
  • relationships and sex education. 

Safeguarding, SMSC and British values are the golden threads throughout. 


Pupils learn that everyone belongs here, there are No Outsiders. We use the No outsiders framework to teach children about inclusion, equality and diversity. Find out more here: No Outsiders.


Pupils build knowledge to help them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships. Pupils learn how to put  this knowledge into practice as they develop the ability to make good decisions when facing risks and challenges in their everyday life. Our core values of respect, resilience, empathy and reflection are weaved throughout.


Our curriculum overview (below) was updated using feedback from pupils, parents and evaluations in school. The  additions included: an increased focus on protected characteristics and offline risks including rail, water and road safety to keep pupils safe in our local area. 

Take a look at our curriculum overview below to find our what is taught in each year group. If you have any questions please speak to your child's class teacher or Mr Webb, AHT for Personal Development.

RSHE curriculum overview


Read our full Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) policy by clicking on the policies link below. You can also find our Equalities policy and objectives on the same page.

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