Contact Details
- 020 8567 9524
Wyndham Road, Ealing, London, W13 9TE
Primary School and Nursery
Working together we actively support children’s learning and development. Together we support each child’s learning to help them achieve their best and to meet their own unique needs.
Each year we gather feedback from parents in a variety of different ways. Parental feedback helps shape the next stage of our development and improvement:
In the academic year 2024-2025 our chosen charities to support are:
We will support one of these charities each term with the whole school learning about what that charity does and supporting them through a school fundraising event. We linked this to our Values based Education and the core value Empathy.
During the school year, we regularly hold whole school 'Parliament' style assemblies where we come together to discuss issues, giving every child a voice in the life of our school:
Democracy in action:
So far we have focused on:
Pupils reviewed our updated procedures. Find out more below.
Pupils thought about what they liked and didn't like about our behaviour system. They suggested new Golden Rules.
Star Leaders and their deputies researched a wide range of charities. The children from years 1- 6 voted in a parliament assembly for the final 3, see above.
Remote video assembly with pupils sharing their views in class and together as a whole school through Pupils' views help leaders think more about our curriculum and how we teach pupils. Results below.
Our Year 6 Star Leaders chose a shortlist of 3 local, 3 national and 3 global charities that we could support next academic year. They created a PowerPoint presentation that had details about each charity including what they do and what school values link to the work done by the charities. Each class then voted for the charities they would like to support. The charities chosen are: Ealing Food bank, RSPCA and World Wildlife Fund (WFF).
This term, during lockdown we did our parliament assembly in a slightly different way. Our Year 6 Star Leaders and their deputies created an online form for all pupils to complete. We wanted to find out about how well our behaviour and rewards systems is working. The Star Leaders and their deputies then got together to analyse the results and make suggestions for improvements.
Watch our assembly to find out more: Parliament assembly results
Updated policy and procedures: Policies
This term in Parliament assemblies children have shared their views on the following aspects of play. Which sports & games have children enjoyed participating in, and suggestions for others we could add to our lunchtime sessions.
How to further increase participation by girls during lunchtime sports sessions.
Wet Play
Improving the Outdoor Space
This term in parliament assembly our children have thinking about the charities they would like to support next school year. The children have selected Ealing Food bank (local), Hearing dogs (National) and Ocean Conservancy (Global).
This term our parliament assemblies have focused on the work of the eco-committee.
Wyndham Road, Ealing, London, W13 9TE