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Primary School and Nursery

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    Reception & Nursery school tours and visiting Fielding

    Joining our Reception or Nursery from September 2025.
    Prospective parents are invited to book a place on one of our tours starting in October. 

    Our tour schedule has now ended


    You can also read our website to find our more about the school.

    For in-year admissions, families are invited to visit us once a formal offer of a place has been made by Ealing Council.
    Tours are not conducted at any other time of the year.

    Joining Fielding Nursery

    Fielding Nursery offers learning and day care within a teacher-led school setting for 3 and 4 year old children, from 7.30am until 6pm daily, including school holidays.

    Find out more about joining our Nursery:


    All admissions to Nursery are managed by the school. Contact our Nursery team about your child's place:

    Joining Reception

    In September 2025 we will welcome 120 pupils, who turn 5 years old between 1 September 2025 and 31 August 2026. They are organised into 4 classes of up to 30 pupils. Each class has its own qualified teacher and other adults to care for children and help them thrive. Find out more about our Early Years phase, Nursery and Reception, at Fielding:


    All admissions enquiries and applications for Reception are managed by Ealing Council's schools admissions team:


    Children who are not offered a place in Reception, year 1 or 2, may have another chance to join Fielding from year 3 because we increase class sizes.

    Admissions criteria

    Ealing Council makes decisions for admissions to Fielding for pupils entering Reception to year 6, in-line with all local community primary schools.  Parents who want their child to join Fielding should contact Ealing Council to find out about admission arrangements and waiting lists.


    Ealing Council also publishes admissions criteria for all community primary schools, including Fielding, each year.

    Joining Fielding from another local school or moving into the area 

    Some children join Fielding from other local schools, from schools elsewhere in the UK or from overseas during the school year, all known as 'in-year' admissions. 


    We admit:

    • 120 children into each age group in Reception, years 1 & 2, organised into 4 classes. There are up to 30 pupils in each class.
    • 128 children into each age group in years 3, 4, 5 & 6, organised into 4 classes. There are up to 32 pupils in each class.


    Children who are not offered a place in Reception, years 1 or 2, may have another chance to join Fielding from year 3 because our class sizes increase.


    Current vacancies















    Last updated: Monday 05 December 2024


    In-year admissions for Fielding are managed centrally by Ealing Council and are based on the current admission criteria for community schools.  Steps to joining Fielding:

    1. Contact the school admissions team at Ealing Council, Ealing School Admissions
      1. If we have no vacancy, you will be able to join our waiting list. Ealing Council manages our waiting list. The waiting list is ordered by following the admission's criteria.
    2. Once you have been notified by Ealing Council of a place at Fielding for your child(ren), make arrangements to visit us.  Contact Admissions at Fielding by telephone or through our Contact Form
    3. An Assistant Head teacher will meet you and your child(ren) to tour the school and answer any questions that you may have.
    4. When a child is transferring from another Ealing school, the Head teacher may also meet you and your child(ren).

    Key Information for New Joiners

    Leaving us

    If your child is leaving Fielding Primary School before the end of Year 6, please complete the Leavers form as soon as possible and return to the school office.  This is essential as the school must inform Ealing Admissions of all joiners and leavers throughout the academic year. If you have any questions or queries, please speak to our Admissions Officer.

    Leaving School Form

    Family/Home contact details form

    Contact Details and Useful Links
