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Challenge 9 - Memory Plank

Memory Plank

Place 8 small objects on the floor in a circle shape then get into a press-up position with your hands in the middle of the circle. Somebody should then say an object which you must tap with your hand while staying in the press-up position. The person will then add an object, you now have 2 objects to tap. The person will add an object again and again. How many objects can you tap in the correct sequence while staying in that press-up position?


Make it harder

  • Make the circle bigger
  • Reach across the midline of your body e.g. right hand touches objects on the left, left hand touches objects on the right


Make it easier

  • Make the circle smaller
  • Allow your knees to rest on the floor when in the press-up position


If you would like to share your attempts at each challenge you can ask the grown ups in your household to film you or take a photo of you doing the challenge and then send it in to Mr Thomas at along with your score and possibly a write up about how the challenge went in your household.

Memory Plank Demo

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Mr Thomas

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I scored 8 in my first attempt here but I definitely think I can beat it. In my next attempts I am also going to try to keep my body a lot more solid when tapping objects with my hands.

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