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Primary School and Nursery

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Remote learning

Remote education is only ever be considered as a last resort where a decision has already been made that attendance at school is not possible, but pupils are able to continue learning.


Circumstances where it might not be possible for pupils to receive in person education are:

  • school closures or restrictions on attendance, where school access for pupils is restricted
  • individual cases where a pupil is unable to attend school but is able to learn.


If the school is closed to all pupils or there are restrictions on attendance, where school access for pupils is restricted, we will

  • provide remove learning by the end of the next school day after any closure or restrictions on attendance;
  • use Microsoft Teams to provide lesson materials and contact with the class teacher.


Individual cases where a pupil is unable to attend school but is unable to learn are considered on a case by case basis. We might use Microsoft Teams or other means to provide lesson materials and contact with the class teacher.

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