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Our Uniform

Pride in our school

At Fielding Primary School our children are proud to be members of our school and wear our uniform.  The uniform has been designed to be practical for a primary school while reflecting the high standards expected at school – it is to be worn with pride at all times. 

We feel that it is important that children learn to dress smartly and appropriately.  They grow up at Fielding understanding that most secondary schools and later in life, businesses, require smart, professional dress.

We look to parents to work with the school to ensure that children come to school always maintaining a high standard of dress and with at least a minimum of the correct colours in their clothing.

We value learning so highly that we do not send children home to change.  However, we hope that we do not have to deal with uniform transgressions.

Judgements about acceptability of uniform and appearance can only be made by school staff and ultimately the Head Teacher.


School uniform

All children are expected to wear uniform:

  • the Fielding blue sweatshirt or cardigan;
  • a Fielding blue or white Polo shirt; or plain white Polo shirt;
  • plain grey or black school style trousers, skirt or pinafore;
  • black or white socks / tights;
  • plain black shoes. For safety, no boots, open-toe, high-heels, platforms or roller shoes.

Optional items:

  • Fielding fleece;
  • grey school style shorts may be worn all year round;

in summer, from the start of the Summer term until Autumn half-term, blue & white gingham style summer dresses may also be worn;

  • additional under-layers are encouraged for colder days. Outer layers should not be worn indoors;
  • a hijab, in white, grey or blue colour, may be worn.


Items with the school logo may should be purchased from our supplier. All other items may be purchased anywhere.


Second-hand uniform is available for sale through the PTFA at main events such as the Christmas and Summer Fairs and at the second-hand uniform shop as follows



Sunday 1 September              10:00-11:30am

Saturday 7 September            10:00-11:30am

Friday 6 October                      3:30-4:45pm

Saturday 9 November             10:00-11:30am

Friday 6 December                  3:30-4:45pm

Saturday 11 January 2025      10:00-11:30am

Friday 7 February                    3:30-4:45pm

Saturday 1 March                    10:00-11:30am

Friday 4 April                            3:30-4:45pm

Saturday 10 May                      10:00-11:30am

Friday 6 June                           3:30-4:45pm

Saturday 5 July                        10:00-11:30am


To allow outdoor play to take place in wet weather, pupils are expected to have suitable warm and waterproof clothing in school at all times:

  • Waterproofs – this may be a jacket, coat or suit
  • A warm fleece, jumper or cardigan
  • Winter hat and sun hat (optional)
  • Scarves and gloves (optional)
  • Wellie boots (optional)


Branded and/or designer items of clothing are not to be worn.


PE uniform

PE kit / 'uniform' is worn for the whole day on a child's allocated PE day. These arrangements minimise lost property and maximise time taking part in sport and exercise rather than changing kit.  PE uniform to be worn to school:

  • Fielding Royal blue T-shirt with white Fielding logo
  • dark (Marlborough) grey jogging bottoms*
  • black, grey or navy PE shorts
  • plain dark trainers

Jogging bottoms or shorts maybe worn for outdoor sessions all through the year; shorts to be worn for indoor sessions.  Shorts may be worn under jogging bottoms. 

* Marlborough (dark) grey jogging bottoms are stocked by our uniform supplier, see below, but can also be purchased from any other supplier.  When purchasing new items, please check uniform expectations.  



  • Fielding book bag
  • name labelled water bottle
  • named plastic container for snack


Achievement Patches

Patches are awarded to pupils to recognise individual achievement for Values-based education, sport and music.  Patches should be sewn on to the Fielding sweatshirt or cardigan:

  • Values-based education baccalaureate, top of right-hand side shoulder.  Gained from Year 4.
  • Sport, right-hand side upper arm.  Gained when a pupil is selected to represent Fielding in sport.
  • Music, left-hand side upper arm.  Gained when a pupil performs in Choir, an ensemble or our orchestra.
  • Leadership, top (ideally) or left-hand side shoulder. Gained when a pupil is elected as a Star Leader.

Right-hand upper sleeve VbE and Sport patches     Left hand upper sleeve music

Buying Uniform

Use our on-line supplier to order items direct:

  1. Visit the Stitch Design website to see the available items
  2. Choose your items and add them to your basket
  3. Select 'secure checkout' to make your payment. You will be directed to a log in page where you can either register for a new account or sign in to your current one.

Named items

All items of clothing need to be named and children need to be encouraged at home and school to take care of their own property.


Hair & Jewellery

Hair must be neat and tidy (covered, plaited or in a pony-tail if long).  Extreme colours, styles or hair accessories that undermine the ethos or discipline of the school will not be permitted.

No make-up or nail polish is allowed. 

Watches, small stud earrings or religious items required by the child’s faith may be worn. No other items of jewellery are allowed. 


Loss & Damage

We do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to an individual’s personal property.

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