Contact Details
- 020 8567 9524
Wyndham Road, Ealing, London, W13 9TE
Primary School and Nursery
Toward the end of each academic year, Year 5 children are invited to apply for the post of Constellation Sports Captain a job which begins on their first day as a Year 6 pupil. In order to be awarded the role of Sports Captain you must:
After the closing date for application forms has passed, all applications will be considered before the announcements for new Sports Captains is made.
So do you have what it takes? If you are in Year 5 and want to be considered for next years roles, look out for application forms which will be available after Easter.
Key Responsibilities
Be a positive role model during playtimes and lessons by promoting the SPORT values (Self Belief, Perseverance, Optimism, Resilience and Teamwork)
Encourage pupils to participate positively to gain points for their constellation.
Assist in running of intra-school tournaments (refereeing, set up and tidy up, looking after your constellation teams etc.)
Assist in running of Sports Days.
Assist with lunch time sports clubs.
Maintaining PE cupboard
Various other sports related jobs throughout the year.
Wyndham Road, Ealing, London, W13 9TE