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The Importance of Volunteers

At Fielding we welcome volunteers to support the work of the school and to support those wishing to gain experience in a school setting. Volunteers bring a range of skills and experience that can enhance the learning opportunities, achievement and enjoyment of children at our school.  At the moment we need more volunteers to listen to children read for an hour or two on a regular basis.


“I’ve enjoyed it even more than I expected to. It’s lovely getting to know the children, listening to them about how and why they enjoyed their books, and trying to answer their funny questions!”  Parent reading helper


“I have been pleasantly surprised by the intelligent feedback I am receiving from the children during their reading session each week.” Grandparent reading helper


Our Volunteers include: 

  • Parents and other relatives of pupils 
  • Members of the Governing Body 
  • Members of PTFA 
  • Students on work experience 
  • Members of the local community (including those from charitable organisations)  


“Fielding is part of my local community, and we live within ear- and eye-shot so it seemed appropriate to use my specialist teaching skills with you”. Community specialist reading helper


Volunteering Opportunities 

The types of activities that Volunteers support and assist with include: 

  • Listening to children read 
  • Working with small groups of children 
  • Undertaking art and craft activities with children 
  • Accompanying school visits 
  • Sorting books in the library
  • Supporting cooking and gardening
  • Helping the PTFA 


The Benefits of Volunteering 

  • For children: increases in understanding, achievement, self-confidence and self-esteem 
  • For teaching staff: greater opportunity to work with other children, so enabling the class as a whole to learn more effectively and achieve more 
  • For the volunteer: a sense of achievement and personal satisfaction, new knowledge and skills, improved career prospects.


“The reading was quite therapeutic at the end of a busy working week as it enabled me to read too (which I don’t get a chance to very often). So the reading benefits both the pupil and the volunteer”. Parent reading helper


Becoming a Volunteer 

Anyone wishing to volunteer, either for a one-off event or on a more regular basis should go to our Volunteer Policy here for more information and to complete the online application form. If applicable, they should also speak to their child’s class teacher.



Fielding Primary is committed to safeguarding pupils, young people and vulnerable adults and expects its volunteers to share that commitment. 


It will be necessary for volunteers in regulated activity1 to have an enhanced DBS check and to complete some online safeguarding training.


1.*Regulated activity is any activity that takes place in school or on a school trip that involves contact with children frequently, i.e. on 4 or more days in a 30 day period or overnight (in the case of school journeys)  

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