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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Year 4 Welcome Newsletter

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Year 4 dates for your diary:

(please check main school calendar for whole school events)

Cooking and Gardening Autumn 1 23/09/2424/09/2425/09/2427/09/24
Volcano Virtual Reality Experience linked with Geography08/10/2408/10/2408/10/2408/10/24
Cooking and Gardening Autumn 211/11/2412/11/2413/11/2415/11/24



Cooking and Gardening:

We are very proud to continue to provide a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to attend cooking sessions. These sessions take place with their class teacher, within the School House kitchen, during the school day.

An annual voluntary contribution of £13.00 has been added to MCAS to cover the cost of ingredients, required to supplement the fresh ingredients provided from the school garden. This fee covers sessions for the whole school year, from September 2024 until July 2025.

This fee is voluntary, however, without the support of our parents, we will be unable to provide an opportunity such as this for our pupils.

To make payment, please log into your MCAS account. The fee, located within the Clubs section, is now available to be added to your basket. Thank you!



Whole class reading texts

TermBook and Author
Autumn 1

The Borrowers, Mary Norton

ISBN: 0141354860

Autumn 2

The Borrowers, Mary Norton

ISBN: 0141354860

Spring 1

 Eye Witness, Ancient Greece

ISBN: 0744081521

Spring 2

 Eye Witness, Ancient Greece

ISBN: 0744081521

Summer 1The Boy at the Back of the Class, 

Onjali Rauf

ISBN: 1510105018

Summer 2The Boy at the Back of the Class, 

Onjali Rauf

ISBN: 1510105018


EnglishThis half-term we are reviewing the non-negotiable grammar and punctuation skills from year 3. We will also begin reading "Running Wild" by Michael Morpurgo as our English text and writing a recount based on the text.                                                          

Reading and talking about their reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes, 5 times a week.

Please do ensure that you allocate time to to talk about what you have read with your child during each session. So if you set aside 20 minutes for reading, spend 10 minutes reading and 10 minutes asking your child questions about what they have just read.  Look at the 'KS2 Reading Prompts' document at the bottom of the page for help with questioning.


Complete your child’s reading record each time they read and sign at the end of the week. Remember it doesn’t always have to be their school book. Reading records and reading books should be sent into school daily.


Updated recommended reading list for Year 4 can be found here.


Children should log on and practise TT Rock Stars 4 times per week. All children are expected to be able to fluently recall their times tables by the end of Year 4 and will take the Multiplication Times Table Check in the Summer term. Regular practise at home will go a long way in ensuring your child can meet this National Curriculum goal.


This half-term we are practising the 9 times table.

Have a read of the TTRS Parents Guide  and the MTC preparation schedule at the bottom of the page.


This half-term we are learning about place value.

Spelling patterns

Our spelling words are updated every 2 weeks. Six of the words will be based on the spelling pattern of our spelling program. The other six words are key vocabulary words which we will be using across our current learning topics. Please practise the spelling words at home ready for our dictation lesson where we test those spellings on the 2nd Wednesday of each unit.


Spelling words for WB16.09.24 and WB23.09.24:













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