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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Year 4 Multiplication Check - Parent Information Pack:

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Year 4 dates for your diary:

(please check main school calendar for whole school events)

Cooking and Gardening Spring 203/03/2504/03/2505/03/2507/03/25
Creperie Visit 06/02/2506/02/2530/01/2530/01/25



Writing Assessments

Dear Parents,

As we transition to a new approach to teaching writing, called I am a Clever Writer (IAACW), you may notice that your child's writing outcomes appear lower than expected when they are published. This is due to the adjustments we are making to align with this new method. You can find out more in our news article here. These are the key indicators for children to be working at age-related expectations at this point in the school year. We have redesigned our curriculum to fit with the new approach.

Key indicators include:

  • Record, discuss and use vocabulary and grammar from books that have been exposed to me to inspire my writing.
  • Use individual story map to plan the order of a story.
  • Plan the order of the writing, begin to understand the importance of cohesion and make notes under appropriate sections.
  • Decide appropriate paragraph breaks for work.
  • Modify a noun phrase with an adjective, noun or preposition.
  • Use ambitious adjectives to enhance the nouns in the writing.
  • Use more sophisticated similes to describe things in my writing.
  • Choose the most appropriate verbs to accurately describe to the reader what is being described.
  • Extend sentences to add more detail by using a variety of subordinating conjunctions (All of Year 3 + during, since) at the start and in the middle of a sentence.
  • Use the acronym FANBOYS to help me remember coordinating conjunctions (All of Year 3 + for, nor).
  • Use a comma after a fronted adverbial.
  • Use prepositions as fronted adverbials and include an adjective to give the reader more information.
  • Know the difference between the plural and possessive ‘s’.
  • Use an apostrophe for plural possession with regular plurals.
  • Use the Standard Form of English, drawing on my knowledge of Subject Verb Agreement.
  • Identify the difference between simple past and simple present tense.
  • Include direct speech in stories but change where the reporting clause is in the sentence (beginning and end).
  • Mark the reporting clause (who said it) with a comma when it is not at the end of the sentence.
  • Use a consistent and efficient style of handwriting
  • Retrieve information in note form from a non-fiction text and begin to group similar information using appropriate subheadings.
  • Adverbs to show how (manner) root word spelling change
  • Use a simile as a sentence opener.
  • Use more sophisticated metaphors to describe things in my writing.
  • Short sentences to move events on quickly in a story.
  • Start a new paragraph when the setting, action or time change in narrative writing.
  • Use a fluent, consistent style and write at speed
  • Beginning to use personification to describe things in my writing.
  • Use a mixture of short sentences, simple sentences, compound and complex sentences.
  • Use fronted adverbials followed by a comma. When (Frequency) and How (Degree).
  • Include complex sentences in my writing which start with a subordinating conjunction and marking the subordinating clause with a comma.
  • Add an ‘s’ to show plural and use irregular plural noun forms of plural (children, women)
  • Add an ‘s’ to show plural and use irregular plural noun forms of plural. -es words (foxes, boxes).
  • Understand the difference between the use of conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions and can explain this.

Cooking and Gardening:

We are very proud to continue to provide a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to attend cooking sessions. These sessions take place with their class teacher, within the School House kitchen, during the school day.

An annual voluntary contribution of £13.00 has been added to MCAS to cover the cost of ingredients, required to supplement the fresh ingredients provided from the school garden. This fee covers sessions for the whole school year, from September 2024 until July 2025.

This fee is voluntary, however, without the support of our parents, we will be unable to provide an opportunity such as this for our pupils.

To make payment, please log into your MCAS account. The fee, located within the Clubs section, is now available to be added to your basket. Thank you!



Whole class reading texts

TermBook and Author
Autumn 1

The Borrowers, Mary Norton

ISBN: 0141354860

Autumn 2

The Borrowers, Mary Norton

ISBN: 0141354860

Spring 1

 Eye Witness, Ancient Greece

ISBN-10: ‎ 1409343650

ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1409343653

Spring 2

 Eye Witness, Ancient Greece

ISBN-10: ‎ 1409343650

ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1409343653

Summer 1The Boy at the Back of the Class, 

Onjali Rauf

ISBN: 1510105018

Summer 2The Boy at the Back of the Class, 

Onjali Rauf

ISBN: 1510105018


EnglishThis half-term we are reviewing the non-negotiable grammar and punctuation skills from year 3. We will also begin reading "Running Wild" by Michael Morpurgo as our English text and writing a recount based on the text.                                                          

Reading and talking about their reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes, 5 times a week.

Please do ensure that you allocate time to to talk about what you have read with your child during each session. So if you set aside 20 minutes for reading, spend 10 minutes reading and 10 minutes asking your child questions about what they have just read.  Look at the 'KS2 Reading Prompts' document at the bottom of the page for help with questioning.


Complete your child’s reading record each time they read and sign at the end of the week. Remember it doesn’t always have to be their school book. Reading records and reading books should be sent into school daily.


Updated recommended reading list for Year 4 can be found here.


Children should log on and practise TT Rock Stars 4 times per week. All children are expected to be able to fluently recall their times tables by the end of Year 4 and will take the Multiplication Times Table Check in the Summer term. Regular practise at home will go a long way in ensuring your child can meet this National Curriculum goal.


This half-term we are practising the 9 times table.

Have a read of the TTRS Parents Guide  and the MTC preparation schedule at the bottom of the page.


This half-term we are learning about place value.

Spelling patterns

Our spelling words are updated every other week. There will be 6 words based on the spelling pattern of our spelling program. 
Children will now be using their Read, Write Inc Spelling Log Books to record the new words. Please practise the spelling words at home ready for our dictation lesson.


Spelling words for WB20.01.25:




Check your child's hair regularly for head lice

To prevent the spread of head lice the NHS has produced these guidelines. Please could you regularly check your child's hair and ensure long hair is tied back.

Head lice and nits
Head lice and nits are very common in young children and their families. They don't have anything to do with dirty hair and are picked up by head-to-head contact.

How to get rid of head lice
You can treat head lice without seeing a GP.
Treat head lice as soon as you spot them.
You should check everyone in the house and start treating anyone who has head lice on the same day.
There's no need to keep your child off school if they have head lice.

Wet combing
Lice and nits can be removed by wet combing. You should try this method first.

You can buy a special fine-toothed comb (detection comb) online or from pharmacies to remove head lice and nits.

There may be instructions on the pack, but usually you:

wash hair with ordinary shampoo
apply lots of conditioner (any conditioner will do)
comb the whole head of hair, from the roots to the ends
It usually takes about 10 minutes to comb short hair, and 20 to 30 minutes for long, frizzy or curly hair.

Do wet combing on days 1, 5, 9 and 13 to catch any newly hatched head lice. Check again that everyone's hair is free of lice on day 17.

For more information about wet combing, see the website.

Medicated lotions and sprays
Ask your pharmacist for advice if you have tried wet combing for 17 days, but your child still has live head lice.

They may recommend using medicated lotions and sprays. These kill head lice in all types of hair, and you can buy them from pharmacies, supermarkets or online.

Head lice should die within a day. Some lotions and sprays come with a comb to remove dead lice and eggs.

Some treatments need to be repeated after a week to kill any newly hatched lice.

Check the pack to see if they're OK for you or your child and how to use them.

If lotions or sprays don't work, speak to your pharmacist about other treatments.

Some treatments aren't recommended because they're unlikely to work. For example:

  • products containing permethrin
  • head lice "repellents"
  • electric combs for head lice
  • tree and plant oil treatments, such as tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil and lavender oil herbal remedies

You can't prevent head lice
There's nothing you can do to prevent head lice.

You can help stop them spreading by wet or dry combing regularly to catch them early.

Do not use medicated lotions and sprays to prevent head lice. They can irritate the scalp.

There's no need for children to stay off school or to wash laundry on a hot wash.

Year 4 Welcome Newsletter

Contact Details and Useful Links
