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Values based education

Values based living 

At Fielding, we believe that values-based living is the foundation of a thriving and supportive community. Our approach centres around embedding key values—respect, resilience, reflection, and empathy—into every aspect of school life. By integrating these values into our teaching, interactions, and daily routines, we create an environment where children not only succeed academically but also develop essential life skills. Through activities like the Mind UP curriculum and a focus on emotional well-being, we work together with families to ensure that the children grow into compassionate, thoughtful, and resilient individuals who contribute positively to society.

Values-based schools seek to promote an educational philosophy based on valuing self, others and the environment through the consideration of an ethical values vocabulary.

Values are principles that guide behaviour and choices.  At Fielding, adults model values and give time for reflective practices. We believe that this empowers individuals to be effective learners and good citizens. The values that we teach help pupils develop their character, to know that individual differences should be valued, to be resilient, reflective, to have empathy and respect for one another.

Our Values-based education philosophy underpins our work to actively promote fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those from all faiths, backgrounds and cultures.  A rounded programme of assemblies and events promote children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, enabling them to develop their own moral and ethical compass to guide what is right and what is wrong.

Our core values

We have four core school values that guide children's choices, behaviour and learning.  These values are the basis of all our values teaching and will help children understand connected values.

Our core values are:

  • respect,
  • resilience,
  • empathy,
  • reflection.

These values have been chosen by carefully observing and discussing which of our previous values have worked well and which ones would develop children the most morally and educationally. 

How we teach the core values

Children in the early years start by focusing on just the core values. As pupils move through years 1 to 6 we begin to widen their understanding of each core value by connecting with similar values. The focus with every value is what the value looks like to us and how it looks in action. Teaching of values is cyclical. We return to each core value frequently to deepen understanding. 

The value of sustainability also underpins our wider curriculum, this is weaved through our learning challenges in all age-groups.

Fundamental British Values

At Fielding, our values are a framework for living and learning. We equip our pupils with the necessary skills to be the best possible people they can be. Using the fundamental British values of: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance; our pupils are prepared for life as citizens of the United Kingdom.

What is Values Based Education? Dr Neil Hawkes

Watch the video to hear Dr. Neil Hawkes, international consultant for values-based education, explaining the approach.

MindUp at Fielding

The MindUP curriculum teaches social and emotional learning skills that link cognitive neuroscience, positive psychology and mindful awareness training based on neuro-science.  Pupils learn about the brain, their emotions and the benefits of reflective practices resulting in self-regulation of behaviour and the ability to mindfully engage in focused concentration required for academic success. 

Find out more:


"Values and MindUP helps me to feel safer on the inside", Year 6 pupil


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