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Primary School and Nursery

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Curriculum Years 1-6


The taught curriculum in Years 1 -6 builds on what has come before in Nursery and Reception. 

Our curriculum for Years 1 -6  is organised and delivered through:

  • discrete teaching of core subjects; English, mathematics and science;
  • a focus on emotional well-being through Values, Personal Social and Health Education, and MindUp;
  • specialist teaching for French, music and physical education;
  • the Fielding Learning Challenge Curriculum (FLCC).  FLCC provides a structure through which history, geography, art, design and technology and RE are taught.  Within each ‘challenge’ opportunities are planned for pupils to use and deepen their ‘essential knowledge’ within a year group and across a key stage;
  • enrichment opportunities through gardening, cooking, residential trips and a termly menu of extra-curricular activities.


We aim for our pupils to make progress by moving through a carefully sequenced body of skills and essential knowledge that build on what has been taught before.

Our curriculum is designed so that pupils develop their knowledge and skills in each of the National Curriculum subjects and is underpinned by our four core values: respect, resilience, empathy and reflection.


As well as regular updates on each year group noticeboard about English and mathematics, you  can also find out what your child is learning in other subjects, by looking at our curriculum maps. The curriculum map for Years 1 -6 can be found on this page, and for Reception and Nursery click here:

(Please note, these documents are  saved in .pdf format. They are A0 in size and not intended for printing. You will need to download and zoom). These have been updated for this academic year. We will continue to update and refine them as children move through the school, gaining more skills and knowledge.


Pupils' learning is centred on our locality and wherever possible through first-hand experience.

The key aims of our curriculum are for pupils to:

  1. learn to read and write, as well as becoming mathematicians, preparing them for the next stage of their education and allowing them to be confident individuals;
  2. learn how to understand themselves and manage their emotions, understanding others better;
  3. understand and explain the world around them now and from the past;
  4. be active, compete in competitions and work with others in a team, learning how to be a humble winner and resilient loser;
  5. be creative, practice, rehearse and perform with others;
  6. understand other cultures, beliefs and languages;
  7. learn about sustainable living, understanding global environmental issues.

Pupils will have the opportunity to do this through:

  1. accessing high-quality English and mathematics lessons and reading a rich selection of books;
  2. RHSE, RE, Values-based education, MindUp and play;
  3. science, humanities, learning and interacting with members of their community;
  4. sports tournaments and other competitions across the curriculum;
  5. music, art and other opportunities to perform;
  6. French and RE lessons, humanities, cooking, Forest School, gardening and RHSE lessons;


Each year group has a yearly overview which maps out what will be taught when. The must-know knowledge and skills for each 'learning challenge' is carefully mapped out on our knowledge organisers.


English and mathematics each have their own progression maps, see links below.

    How do we check pupils' knowledge & understanding?

    Find out more here: Assessment at Fielding

    FLCC Curriculum map

    This document is saved in .pdf format. It is A0 in size and not intended for printing. Please click to download and zoom. 

    This is a working document, as the children move through the school gaining skills and knowledge, we will refine and update this map.

    Where does it all start?

    Pupils learning at school starts in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) this is the Nursery and Reception Years. Our 'transition map' shows how the two curriculums link together.


    Timetables for each age group show our usual daily timetable.  Use of our computing rooms is not shown due to a rotation of slots.  For the smooth running of the school, from time to time, organisation of the day may be changed by the class teacher.

    Updated timetables, we will be transitioning to these timetables during the second half of the Autumn term (2024)

    For more information about our curriculum please arrange to speak to your child's class teacher or one of the following leaders

    • Mr Lewis, Mrs Tate, Mr Webb, Mr Thomas - curriculum oversight, non-core subjects.
    • Mrs Patel, Maths
    • Mrs Robinson, English
    • Mr Kausar, Science
    • Mr Webb, Personal development

    Contact Details and Useful Links
