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All Laser credits transferred to MyChildatSchool

Childcare and Specialist Clubs move to MyChildAtSchool (MCAS)

All Laser credit balances have been transferred to MCAS ready to be used for childcare. No credit balance has been 'lost'.

Some parents cannot see this credit balance as a result of a technical glitch. We are working with the software developer to fix this issue:

  • If you have not booked any wrap around childcare for your child using MCAS, the balance does not show;
  • If you have booked at least one session after-school childcare for your child using MCAS, the balance will show.
  • If you have more than one child, the credit balance might show for one child if you have booked a childcare session. The balance will only show for other children in your family if you have booked a session of childcare for them too. 

If you cannot see you balance because you have not used childcare on MCAS yet this term and would like to know your balance please contact us and we will send you a screen print:

If using childcare vouchers to pay for specialist clubs please pay the exact amount, currently credits in childcare cannot be transferred to pay for specialist clubs.

Please check your childcare bookings, ignore the ‘next session’ date on the front page you must open up the search icon to see each session booked. If your child is not booked for a session parents will be called then a charged at the higher adhoc rate will be applied.

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