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Annual Specialist Club Overview 2016/17

Fielding recognises that consistency and continuity in wrap around care is vital for working parents. Over the last year we have worked hard to achieve this by offering:

*Termly timetables and sign up for clubs

*Where possible, keeping clubs running at the same time and day each term

*Offering an online booking system to allow parents to book from any internet enabled device

For the next school year we wanted to improve this further by offering an annual schedule of clubs. Whilst we would love to offer every club every term, this isn’t always possible due to space. The annual schedule will allow parents to plan ahead and plan external activities based on the opportunities at Fielding.

Sign up for clubs will work in the same way as this year. Each booking will be valid for one term (unless stated otherwise). Parents can then change activities or re-book before for the term ahead. We encourage parents to attend our Fresher’s Fair, held on 15th July to meet our providers and learn about the provision before booking. Children in receipt of Pupil Premium passports will receive further information shortly. 

Booking for clubs will open at 8pm on 18th July via laser. For more information, including terms and conditions visit the clubs page of the website.

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