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Primary School and Nursery

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Can you volunteer an hour or two at the Circus?

Next weekend, Fielding is hosting the Happy Circus for three consecutive days (14-16 July).  We will have nearly 1800 people over the three performance - which includes welcoming other local schools to Fielding.


As you can imagine it's a massive task to host this event but it's not something that can be covered by the core PTFA volunteers alone.


We are after any parents who are willing to donate an hour or two of their time to help us deliver this final event of the year and get the PTFA funding over the £44k mark.  Even if you have never helped before you will find it a rewarding experience.  You might even find that your employer will pay you to help (like GSK!).


Roles include Ticket Scanning, Bar Staff, Ice Cream stall, First aid, Tidy Up and Entry Stewards. Sign up at


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