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Primary School and Nursery

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Careless parking risks lives of children

An increasing number of concerned parents are contacting the school about cars parking on the yellow zig-zag lines at drop-off and collection times.

The school regularly asks enforcement officers from the Council to patrol.  Fixed Penalty Notices are issued to parents who illegally park on the yellow zig-zag lines.  Parking improves for a short while before thoughtless drivers stop on the yellow lines again.

Previously, the PTFA has organised a poster competition to promote road safety in surrounding roads.  In school, assemblies have been used to promote 'pupil power' to remind parents to drive safely.

The vast majority of our children walk to school.  For the safety of nearly 1,000 pupils, if you drive children to school please avoid stopping or parking (for any length of time) on the yellow zig-zag lines outside of our school entrances.


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