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Clubs and Childcare – Refunds for Residential Trips

We understand it is not possible to be in two places at once and it’s unfair to be charged twice, so if your child is taking part in one of the amazing residential trips planned this year a refund of club and or childcare fees will be added to the children’s cashbook. The refund will apply for the time your child spends away with the school.


Childcare and Specialist Clubs Fees

Please be reminded Summer Term childcare and specialist club fees are now due.

There are two ways to pay for childcare, in full or 50% now and the remainder by Friday 31st May 2019.

Specialist clubs must be paid for in full at the point of booking unless using childcare vouchers. Non-payment of specialist clubs or childcare may result in your child's name being taken off the register, but you will still be required to settle the fee.

Childcare bookings roll over from term to term unless cancelled, please log into Laser to ensure your child’s cashbook is in order. If you notice duplicate bookings or are experiencing difficulties paying, contact the Childcare Manager as soon as possible to discuss options.

Remember, childcare and Specialist clubs often work in partnership, if you have booked a specialist club and need and additional hour please make sure you have also booked the after school club to complement your booking.

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