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Come and spend time in the school house garden 11th and 18th November will not only benefit you but help us to finish our sensory garden for the new ARP children starting in January (and be the firs to see it!).

Being in nature has been proven to benefit well being which will  be a good start to your day. Rather than going to grab a coffee after drop off come along to the garden. You don't need to have green fingers as guidance will be provided along with  tea/coffees and biscuits. Chat with friends or make new friends whilst weeding, planting and sowing seeds.

Places are limited due to the garden's space but there are 2 dates that you can sign up for Friday 11th and 18th November. The gardener will be there from 8.30am until 12pm on both days so come for an hour or stay for the morning. I'm sure you'll leave refreshed.

Please email admin@fielding, to secure your place (for the attention of Megan the gardener and Alison Trott).

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