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Coronavirus: What to do if ...

Practical steps to reduce the risk of coronavirus being transmitted in school are in place. All of our measures are based on the latest government guidance for primary schools:

Our measures mean that we can minimise but not prevent the risk of coronavirus in school. The following 'what if's' are taken from our risk assessment and operational guide for staff.


What if my child has symptoms of coronavirus at home?

Pupils who show symptoms of coronavirus should not be sent to school. If a child becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell (anosmia), parents should follow the government's guidance. This includes:

  • self-isolating for 7 days;
  • arranging to have a test to see if they have COVID-19. This can be done by visiting NHS.UK or contact NHS 119 via telephone for those with no internet access;
  • household members should self-isolate for 14 days.

Read more:


All children and members of their households in England have access to testing if they display symptoms of coronavirus, including children under 5. A positive test will ensure rapid action to protect other children and staff at school. 


Where the child tests negative, they can return to school and household members can end their self-isolation.


What if a child or adult shows symptoms of coronavirus in school?

If anyone in school becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell (anosmia), they will be sent home and advised to follow the government's guidance. This includes:

  • self-isolating for 7 days;
  • arranging to have a test to see if they have COVID-19. This can be done by visiting NHS.UK or contact NHS 119 via telephone for those with no internet access;
  • household members should self-isolate for 14 days.

Read more:


All staff and pupils who attend school will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), and are encouraged to get tested in this scenario.


Where the child or staff member tests negative, they can return to school and household members can end their self-isolation.


While a child is awaiting collection, they will be moved to our Welfare Room, kept in isolation and supervised by a member of staff wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). The child will have access to their own bathroom. The bathroom and Welfare Room will then be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else.

What if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in school?

If a child or staff member tests positive, the rest of their class group 'bubble' will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days.

The other household members of that wider class group do not need to self-isolate unless the child or staff member they live with in that group develops symptoms.

As part of the national test and trace programme, if other cases are detected within the cohort or in the school, Public Health England’s local health protection teams will conduct a rapid investigation and will advise the school on the most appropriate action to take.


What if a member of staff is contacted through test, track and trace?

The staff member is expected to self-isolate for 14 days, following government guidance and expectations.

If the staff member is a teacher, the class group 'bubble' will learn at home for 14 days.

In some cases a larger number of other children may be asked to self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure. Closure of the whole school will not generally be necessary.

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