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COVID-19: Rising cases in class 4S (Mr Bloomfield)

Parents tell us of 5 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in class 4S (Mr Bloomfield) in the last 10 days. 


We need to work together to break any chain of infection.


In school, class 4S will move to 'amber' measures:

  • hand-washing more often,
  • cleaning of high-touch surfaces more often during the day,
  • maintaining classroom ventilation,
  • adults may wear a face-covering in circulation spaces.


Please can all parents:

  • keep children at home if there are any symptoms of coronavirus and stay at home until the result of a PCR test is known,
  • consider using lateral flow tests to check for any infection without symptoms in children.


Staff continue to socially distance from one another and pupils. There are no large gatherings of pupils in school for assemblies to that we minimise the chance of infection spreading. Primary age pupils are not expected to wear a face-covering.


Where cases increased in other age-groups before half-term, these measures broke the chain of infection.

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