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COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey

As many parents know, our school is taking part in the COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey 2 (SIS2). This is a national study that aims to help government experts better understand how many school age pupils have developed antibodies against coronavirus. Results are shared with parents, so they will know whether their child has antibodies against the virus.

What does the study involve?

The study involves antibody testing and completing a questionnaire alongside testing. If you would like your child to take part, we would like you to complete a consent form and a short questionnaire about each of your children that you enrol. Once this is completed, your child will be a participant of the study. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer testing to children in pre-school/nursery years, so if you have multiple children in a selected school, please only register those who are in reception or above.

The study is voluntary, you or your child do not have to take part and you can withdraw from any round of testing without giving a reason.

The next round of SIS testing at Fielding starts on 9th -11th March. This involves a simple, saliva swab test. To sign up, follow this link . No need to sign up again if your child has taken part in previous rounds of testing.

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