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Creative Home Learning success

Creative Home learning Success

During the last week of the half term, we celebrated the end of the third Creative home learning cycle. A huge thank you to the children for all of your hard work and effort and another big thank you to all the parents and carers that helped with this. This cycle had been changed as a result of feedback gathered with one major change being fewer task options. This resulted in the children being able to dedicate more time on each project which meant we saw work of an even greater quality. It was wonderful to see the care and excitement children have put into their learning. The Creative Home Learning showcases are becoming an event we look forward to as the children love sharing their work and seeing what everyone has produced. We are constantly blown away but how creative children (and their parents) can be when producing a task. Mrs Hodge in Year 4 said “This is some of the best home learning I’ve ever seen, it’s wonderful to see all of their effort. I like this change in fact I love it, I love it, I love it.”  Some of these pieces have continued to be displayed around the school and some can be seen in the photos below.

The next round of Creative Home learning starts today-Thursday 25th February. These will once again be posted on year group notice boards.


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